Gumasta License Consultants in Mumbai

Gumasta License Consultants in Mumbai

In Maharashtra or Mumbai & Thane city every person who wants to start business then its necessary to obtain Gumasta License also called Shop and Establishment License.

Gumasta License is governed by the Mumbai Muncipal Corporation is come under Maharashtra Shop & Establishment Act., 1948.

If you are looking to register your new shop or business, you will have to obtain the certificate for Municipal Corporation. This certificate also known as "Gumasta License" under Shop and Establishments Act. The procedure is being made easy and convenient through online portal.

While planning to dive into the entrepreneurial world, your business plan, leverage options, organizational structure alone would not suffice you through. A comprehensive list of all legal obligations and compliances is what's sure to give a smooth start to your venture. However, for all the Maharashtrians out there, there's an addition to your license list, "The Gumasta License".

Registration of Shops and Establishment is Mandatory under Maharashtra Shops and Establishment Act. This Act enables the registration and obtaining the certificate from municipal Corporation for your newly set up shop or Business.

Gumasta license is basically a legal obligation governed by Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai under the Maharashtra Shops and Establishment act. It gives you a certified authority to do your business through shop or business place. This license is mandatory for all either you're a small trading business or a service provider.

Document Requirement (Proprietorship)

1. PAN Card

2. Sale Deed

3. Rent Agrrement

4. NOC from owner

5. Application letter on prescribe format

6. Form A

Document Requirement (Partnership Firm)

1. Partnership Deed

2. PAN Card of Partnership firm

3. Application letter on prescribe format

4. Partners ID & Address Proof

Document Requirement (Private Limited Company)

1. MOA & AOA of the Company

2. Certification of Incorporation

3. Directors Id & Address Proof

Key Point:

1 Keep ready PAN card as Inspection will be done

2 Place a fire extinguisher in the premises

3 Place the Firms Name Board in Marathi

Online Procedure for Gumasta License

1. Start your process by following the link

2. Then hit the citizen service button and then switch to Shops and establishment tab.

3. You will be directed to a new tab wherein you need to select "apply for registration "and then select "more" on the next page.

4. Hop on to the very last option which is Shop and Establishment Registration wherein number of options will be presented to you.

5. You are to select the "Add" option and fill up the form once again.

6. After you're done with entering the asked information, enter the Challan number so obtained upon payment of the relevant fees at the bank.

7. Now that you're almost done, click on "submit" button upon which A UTN will be generated by the system.

8. Now print the form and take it to the Gumasta Office along with the relevant documents as are listed above.